
We would like to inform you about the current events around our company on a regular basis.

02 Feb

Family dad

"A new life is the most precious treasure you can imagine."
Jole von Weißenberg

20 Jan

Employee Anniversary

From apprenticeship to anniversary

11 Jan

Employee Anniversary

"Reliability is not doing what others count on, but what they count on."

Walter Jakoby

04 Jan

Employee Anniversary

„You don't earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day by day.“

Jeffrey Gitomer

04 Jan

Employee Anniversary

„Not only merit, but also faithfulness preserves the person for us.“

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

16 Dec

Goodbye Elke Kursch

Today we say goodbye to our Elke Kursch after 20 years of service.

04 Dec

Saint Nicholas

With a little sweets to Saint Nicholas we say "Thank you".

01 Dec

Employee Anniversary

"You cannot demand loyalty. Loyalty is a gift."
Lilli Palmer