
We would like to inform you about the current events around our company on a regular basis.

11 Nov

Alaaf and Helau!

The 5th season is beginning !

14 Sep

Goodbye Kerstin Rödiger

After 17 years of service to the company, we are bidding farewell to our Kerstin Rödiger in retirement.

13 Aug

A little cooling off

Today we were able to give our employees a treat at the high temperatures with a little cooling down.

03 Aug

Employee Anniversary

"It is not the beginning that is rewarded, but only the persevere."
(Catherine of Siena)

03 Aug

Employee Anniversary

"Coming together is a beginning,
Staying together is progress,
Working together is a success."
(Henry Ford)

01 Jul

Employee Anniversary

We congratulate our employee Antje Krüger on his 10th company anniversary.

02 Jun

Employee Anniversary

"Loyalty is the most honest proof of respect."
Markus Wingert

27 May

Family dad

We congratulate our employee Steven Nordmann on the birth of his son Luke and wish the family all the best.

21 May

Men's Day

Even if the year 2020 will bring some restrictions due to the Corona pandemic, our employees will enjoy the beer even with a minimum distance!

We wish our gentlemen all the best for Men's Day.